REQUEST FOR APPLICATION: BRIC Physician Innovator Training for Clinicians at HPH (PITCH)

** To download the full Application package, please download it here. **

The PITCH program at BRIC is a year-long training program designed for young clinicians and junior faculty, who are committed to pursuing clinical or translational research besides their commitment to clinical excellence. The program aims to provide HPH-attending physicians with the training, framework, and experience to independently perform clinical outcomes research. The ideal participants will be HPH-attending physicians who demonstrate the interest and aptitude to complete a mentored clinical research training program.

Eligibility: Any HPH employed physician, who can complete a research project over the period of the program.

Application Package: Complete the application by providing your CV (NIH format preferred) and a detailed Research Concept Proposal with the following information:

  •  Background: Describe briefly the problem or the gap in our knowledge that the proposed study is going to address.

  • Hypothesis: Provide a measurable statement explaining what the proposed study is likely to reveal.

  • Objectives/Aims: Write 2-5 specific clinical questions the research is going to evaluate.

  • Study Population: Define the cohort that would serve as the basis for data collection.

  • Outcome Measures: Describe the primary and secondary outcome measures that will be assessed in the research study.

  • Expected impact: Elaborate on the impact of the research study for your own personal academic development, for HPH, and for the larger community in Hawaii

The Research Concept Proposal should not exceed 500 words.

Application due date: Monday, June 17, 2024

Scientific Review date: Monday, June 24, 2024

Selection notification: Friday, June 28, 2024


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