
Jennifer Di Rocco, DO

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Selected publications

Jennifer Di Rocco


Jennifer Di Rocco, D.O., M.Ed., is a pediatric hospitalist who also serves an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Program Director of the Pediatric Residency Program at the John A. Burns School of Medicine. She is a graduate of Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine/Midwestern University. Dr. Di Rocco also earned her Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Medical Education/Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

As the Director of the Pediatric Residency Program, Dr. Di Rocco is passionate about medical education at all levels, including assisting struggling learners and helping pediatric residents prepare for their board examinations. Her research interests reflect her committed to advancing pediatric healthcare delivery and medical education.

Research Interests

  1. Medical education

  2. Pediatric asthma

  3. Case reports

  4. Quality Improvements (QI)


  • Crosswalk Study and Prospective Entrustment Decision Making Study

  • Di Rocco J.R., Kimata C., Barat M., Kodama S. Paediatric resident workflow observations in a

    community based hospital. British Medical Journal of Open Quality. 2022 Mar;11(1):e001607. 


  • Liu, J., Di Rocco, J., Kosut, J. Recurrent abdominal pain in a 7-year-old boy. Clinical Pediatrics, April 2022. https://doi.org/10.1177/00099228221083262

  • Di Rocco, J., Okado, C., Kimata C., Patel, S. Patient Safety Initiative Using Peer Observations and Feedback Inspire Collegial Workplace Culture. Hawaii Journal of Health and Social Welfare, 2020 May 1;79(5 Suppl 1):112-117. PMID: 32490397; PMCID: PMC7260866. 

  • Rogers, A.J., Weisgerber, M., Di Rocco, J., Lauck, S. Surfboards Program: An Innovative Mixed Methods Comprehensive Pediatric Resident Boards Review Curriculum (Descriptive Abstract). Academic Pediatrics, 2017; 17(5): e10.

  • Rogers A., Di Rocco J., Soung P. Simulated Pediatric Respiratory Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2014.  Available from: https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9693